Carr Gomm responds to the National Care Service

White text on blue background: Carr Gomm and the National Care Service

Carr Gomm and our Involvement Group have contributed our voice to the National Care Service draft Stage 2 amendments.


In response to the Scottish Government’s call for written evidence to hear views on the draft amendments, Carr Gomm highlighted the following:

  • The vision of the National Care Service should enshrine person-centred approaches as the fundamental methodology of social care. This is the opportunity to define social care.
  • All competitive tendering must be paused, and the National Care Service Bill must legislate for collaborative commissioning that values the skill of commissioners as well as the lives of people and families.
  • The NCS Bill must support equal recognition and reward for all social care workers, regardless of their employer. Whilst there is a long-term commitment to achieve Fair Work, the NCS Bill should enshrine this commitment in legislation to underpin the value and worth of those that commit their careers to supporting the most vulnerable people in our society.
  • The National Care Service must recognise positive impact that excellent person-centred supports, provided by third sector organisations like Carr Gomm, have every day. It must seek to support and extend this excellence as recognised by the Care Inspectorate through their inspection programme: speak to us about what works and why, as well as about what does not work and why not.
  • All local NCS Boards and providers of care and support should be accountable to the same values, expectations, standards and rules: so a citizen in receipt of a care at home service, say, should expect to receive person-centred support in-line with national values, standards and expectations, provided flexibly according to the local environment to achieve their unique personal outcomes, regardless of where they live in Scotland.
  • We must aim to provide person-centred services and supports that recognise that each person has different circumstances and so requires different resources to reach equal outcomes; we must not fall into the trap of assuming people with the same vulnerability or health condition need the same resource investment to achieve positive outcomes in their lives.

Read our full response on our website: National Care Service Stage 2 Draft Amendments – Carr Gomm’s Response


Carr Gomm’s National Involvement Group have also submitted their response to the Scottish Government. The Involvement Group is made up of people supported by Carr Gomm who shape and influence Carr Gomm and contribute to conversations and consultations on improving social care for everyone in Scotland.

Here is a snippet of their response:

  • The Scottish Government and Parliament have promised to ensure all public information on consultations and for other communications regarding the NCS will be available in accessible formats. They failed with this consultation which required an ability to read legislation. The Involvement Group has appealed that this does not happen again.
  • People who rely on social care services must be included in all parts of the NCS as it is only them that understand what they need.
  • All parts of the NCS must collaborate equally and fairly with social care providers.
  • Social care providers must be included in the National and Local Boards.
  • If the NCS fails, then that in itself will be a breach of human rights.

Read their full response on our website: National Care Service Stage 2 Draft Amendments – Carr Gomm’s National Involvement Group Response


Carr Gomm believes the social care system needs better resourcing to ensure that everyone can experience person-centred support which enables them to live their best possible life. Find out more about how we’re influencing change on our website.