A grand day out at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Bagpipes, pop legends and feather boas – Alan, Cathy and Hope visit this year’s Fringe Festival!


Hope, Alan and Cathy enjoyed exciting days out at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Supported by Support Practitioner Kevin, each experienced a day in the capital that suited their personalities and interests.

Of the days out, Kevin said: “I absolutely love organizing fun days for the people I support and strive to make their lives as fulfilling as possible. I tailor activities to suit their individual personalities. Hope is a music lover, and she was thrilled to see the Lady Boys perform. Alan, on the other hand, is a big fan of Scottish music and bagpipes, so the Edinburgh Tattoo was a natural choice, even though it was a bit of a challenge pushing a wheelchair up the Royal Mile on a busy festival evening. But we made it and had a fantastic time! Cathy can be a bit challenging to plan activities for; she’s usually content with a scone and a cup of tea. However, I thought the music of Carol King might resonate with her, and I was right! She sat there throughout the performance with a smile, tapping her hand on the table. Having lived in Edinburgh for 15 years, I thoroughly enjoy guiding the people I support as they explore the city!”

Hope, Alan and Cathy all had amazing days out at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, made possible by the incredible support Carr Gomm staff provide.

At Carr Gomm, we are dedicated to providing person-centred care and ensuring people supported are able to live their best lives.