About the Keep Warm Kits

What are the Keep Warm Kits?

In 2022, Support Practitioners in Argyll and Bute noticed the impact of rising energy costs and power cuts on people that they care for. In response, they put together Keep Warm Boxes which contained essential items to help people stay warm during the Winter.

Within one week, the services received over 100 requests for boxes from people across the region. Within two weeks, 200 requests were made. Local businesses and national organisations pulled together to donate items and funds to the boxes, and Carr Gomm’s 24/7 responder team came together to deliver the Keep Warm Boxes directly to people in need.

The boxes have been spurred on by the amount of people we see who have been turning their heating down to an unsafe level. We want to keep people comfortable throughout the winter months and so we greatly appreciate people’s support for this campaign. We can’t heat people’s homes, but we can help keep the person warm.
Denise Murdoch

Senior Operations Officer, Carr Gomm

What is in a Keep Warm Kit?

A Keep Warm Kit is filled with practical items that will keep you warm if you are unable to put the heating on or if there is a power cut. While we cannot heat people’s houses, we hope to keep the people inside them warm throughout Winter. Our Keep Warm Kits are packed with: a blanket, hat, gloves, hot water bottle, torch, flask and batteries.

How have Keep Warm Kits helped people?

In 2022/2023, we successfully delivered over 200 Keep Warm Boxes across Argyll and Bute. The Boxes were warmly received – we received hundreds of requests for a Keep Warm Box, and met the huge levels of demand as best we could. There was a wide range of interest in the Keep Warm Boxes, as many different groups struggled with the cost of living and the cost of heating their homes. We anticipate a high level of demand going into our 2023/2024 campaign, and we expect that this Winter we will make a huge difference in the community again.

Who can receive a Keep Warm Kit?

Keep Warm Kits are available to anyone living in Argyll & Bute who need help staying warm this winter, or preparing for emergencies like power cuts.

You may find a Keep Warm Kit useful if you are elderly, receive support, a family or if you want to keep the cost of electricity and gas bills down this Winter.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about the Keep Warm Kits and your eligibility, by emailing warmbox@carrgomm.org.

How do I request a Keep Warm Kit?

To request a Keep Warm Kit, please get in touch with us by emailing warmbox@carrgomm.org, or by calling 07843575415. We are currently experiencing a high level of demand for the Keep Warm Kits, but a member of the team will reply as soon as possible.

Need a Keep Warm Kit?