I joined Carr Gomm as a support practitioner in 2003, following a period of unemployment after returning from travelling round India
Without prior experience of support work, I enjoyed my career change. I’m now an operations manager and have also held the position of senior support worker and service manager.
I am the registered manager for 10 support services across Edinburgh and the Scottish Borders, responsible for developing services, ensuring people receive a high quality of care and support. I also work with staff to achieve positive outcomes.
Whilst I no longer work immediately with people in their lives, I take great satisfaction and enjoyment from knowing the quality of service I oversee, working with managers to develop their careers, skills and staff teams.
When not working I enjoy gardening, cycling, cinema and reading. Ingemar Berman and Park Chan-wook are directors I most admire; for their story telling and sheer cinematic artistry. Herman Hesse is possibly the author whose works I have enjoyed the most, certainly in my younger years!
I have been vegetarian since 2001. I like cooking and I enjoy Indian, Middle-Eastern and Italian cuisine.