Carr Gomm’s Global Ambassador Programme

Global Ambassador’s Programme allows staff to expand their learning through international exchanges.


In 2023, we launched the Global Ambassador Programme as part of Carr Gomm’s International Collaboration. The programme, which is open to all staff, allows them to participate in international exchanges and conferences to expand their knowledge and skills.

Carr Gomm Global Ambassador logo - Print circle on a bleu and green gradient background

Our Global Ambassadors are based throughout Scotland and are in a variety of roles, from Support Practitioners to Link Workers, Community Contacts to Fundraising and Communications and they all share a passion for sharing their newfound learnings. Collectively they speak a wide variety of languages and are already a well-travelled group.

Andrew Thomson, Deputy CEO, said “Congratulations to our first cohort of Global Ambassadors! Global Ambassadors demonstrate our collective commitment to making a positive difference in the world and creating meaningful and positive change. Our ambassadors will represent our values to organisations across the globe and allow us to learn from others and explore how our experience fits within the wider world. I’m looking forward to hearing about each of our ambassador’s journeys and the creative ways in which they will share what they have learnt with colleagues throughout the organisation and beyond.” 



“I’m super excited to have joined the Global Ambassadors attending The Netherlands in June 2024 – I hope to learn more about Community Based Mental Health Approaches and bring new learning back with me. What a great idea from Carr Gomm!”

George Sparrow – Service Manager, Tranent. 

“I’m excited and honoured to be chosen for the opportunity to become a Carr Gomm international ambassador. Since joining Carr Gomm I’ve been really impressed with both its practice and values, and look forward to getting to share these with colleagues from around the world in Utrecht this summer – as well as learning what I can and bringing it back to make our organisation even better!”

John Warburton – Specialist Link Worker, Edinburgh. 

Global Ambassadors Event Calendar

International Professional Exchange Programme, Taiwan

19th October to 2nd November 2024 in Taiwan

Carr Gomm is supporting applications to the Council of International Fellowhip’s programme in Taiwan in October 2024. CIF’s purpose is “to promote professional, cross-cultural and educational exchange for those working in the field of social services. The learning and sharing generated by the exchange provides opportunities for broadening professional as well as personal development and so aims to contribute towards peace and understanding”.

The 15-stay stay in Taiwan comprises cultural visits and a bespoke professional programme related to your particular area of work and interest in social care (for example, mental health, physical disabilities, visiting services, deinstitutionalization, etc.).

Healing Arts Scotland Conference (Aug 2024)

19 – 23 August 2024 in Edinburgh

Rebecca (International Collaborations Manager), Renate (Project Manager), Jess (Specialist Link Worker), and Linda, supported by Carr Gomm, had the pleasure of attending the conference last month.

One of the main themes of the Healing Arts Scotland conference was how we can all experience traumatic events in our lives that can lead to loneliness and isolation and, as Carr Gomm knows, the importance of making meaningful relationships and connections.

Speakers from across the world talked about the different ways they use the arts to help people find ways to begin to recover from trauma and reconnect with the world.

Rebecca said she is looking forward to building on connections made at the festival with new colleagues in India, Austria, Ukraine and closer to home in Scotland!

Piece of artwork from the Healing Arts Scotland Conference

Piece of artwork from the Healing Arts Scotland Conference.

Main hall for the Healing Arts Scotland Conference

Main hall for the Healing Arts Scotland Conference.

The speakers of the Healing Arts Scotland Conference

Some of the speakers of the Healing Arts Scotland Conference.








Global Leadership Exchange 2024

24th to 28th June in Utrecht, the Netherlands

The Global Leadership Exchange is not just a conference, it’s a week-long learning event that takes place every two years. It’s a platform that brings together leaders in mental health, disability, and substance use from around the world, offering them the opportunity to share knowledge, experiences, and ideas. This year, the Leadership Exchange will be held in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from 24 to 28 of June, and we are excited to be a part of it. Attending such events not only enhances our professional network but also broadens our understanding of global health and social care practices. 

As the trip approached, one of our Global Ambassadors, John, shared his thoughts on attending the conference and participating in the ‘match’.

Read his blog here.

European Social Network conference

26th to 28th June in Antwerp, Belgium

Theme: Co-Creating Future Social Services 

The European Social Services Conference (ESSC) is the annual flagship event of the European Social Network (ESN), the leading network for public social services in Europe.  

The ESSC 2024 will be the opportunity to share and exchange knowledge and experiences with peers in social services from across Europe and other regions of the world. 

The conference will explore how we can co-create community-based social services, with a specific focus on three thematic strands: Co-Creating Cities Social InclusionCo-Creating Responses to Manage the Future Workforce, and Co-Creating Digital Solutions for Social Inclusion. 

Social Enterprise World Forum, the Netherlands.

11th – 12th October 2023 in the Netherlands

Our Marketing and Communications Officer, Cara Davis, attended the SEWF – Social Enterprise World Forum C.I.C. in Amsterdam! 

Cara says – “It was an incredible opportunity to connect with like-minded organisations dedicated to creating a positive social and environmental impact.”

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to ISEO (International Social Enterprise Observatory) for making this trip possible. 

European Social Network conference, Barcelona

9th – 10th October in Barcelona

In 2023, Keith Milligan (Operations Manager) spoke at the European Social Network Conference in Barcelona.

Read his reflections on the experience below:

“Talking at seminars isnt an everyday occurrence in my role so I found the ESN seminar worthwhile from a development perspective. I was given the topic of detailing the transition from acute hospital ward to a community setting to present on. I enjoyed participating and it was quite clear from the off that we can offer our European counterparts the benefit of our experience and expertise in supporting people to leave acute and continuous care settings. Participating broadens our opportunity to influence others, explaining how we manage hospital discharge and speaking at length with different organisations about the support we offer. We detailed the different range of settings we work in and how we keep a focus on quality care and positive environments and I showed some of our services in my presentation. The Seminar theme centred on the Europe-wide need to move from institutions to community-based care and it echoed the experience in Scotland from the 1990’s with our own process of ‘shifting the balance of care’ as it was known at the time. It will not be an easy journey to make and the ESN & their members clearly have a focus on best practice and evidence and are actively looking to listen to the experience of others to benefit people supported. It really was a good opportunity for Carr Gomm to contribute to the important global conversation about social care and how it directly impacts people’s lives. It was reassuring to hear the determination and passion of participants from across Europe who understand the rights of citizens and the need for person-centred care and support. Aside from the seminar, just being in Barcelona was a highlight. It’s a fantastic city to visit and I enjoyed visiting the Gothic Quarter and some galleries. I hadn’t realised how prolific Picasso was and I also found a better-than-expected range of vegetarian and vegan options. I will return, I hope!”

Global Aging Conference, Glasgow

7 – 8 September 2023 in Glasgow, Scotland.

The 2023 Global Ageing Network Biennial Conference was held in Glasgow, Scotland, at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) on September 7-8, 2023. The Care about Our Future: Global Symposium for Sustainable Care and Support” theme was hosted in partnership with Scottish Care and the National Care Forum, the leading care and support provider associations in Scotland and England.

The conference was attended by our Andrew Thomson, Deputy Chief Executive, Denise Murdoch, Senior Operations Manager in Argyll and Bute and Fiona Lawrence, Operations Manager in Argyll and Bute.

why work with us

Learn about more of Carr Gomm’s staff benefits on our Why Work With Us page.