Our statement on the Programme for Government

We welcome the First Minister’s commitment in the Programme For Government to raise the adult social care wage to £12 per hour in April 2024.

However, we are disappointed and angry as this announcement has not gone far enough.

Staff in Carr Gomm and across the sector must wait another 6 months to see this increase in their pay packets. There is also no commitment on backdating pay to April 2023. Both would help address the issues with recruitment and retention we are facing now.

This funding is also only for staff in ‘direct care roles’. This fails to recognise the vital importance managers and those in office roles have in delivering excellent support.

It continues to be that an adult social care worker in the third sector is still paid less than the equivalent role in the NHS and in local authorities. This is an inequality that is having a direct impact on our ability as a sector to ensure people are receiving person-centred care which maximises the choice and control they have in their lives.

The Scottish Government must recognise and reward skilled and qualified staff who enable people to remain safely at home and live good quality lives. This is why we will continue to call for an increase to the adult social care wage.