Influencing Change

Should we defund the NHS?

Should we defund the NHS?

We’ve seen record investment in Scotland’s NHS. But ever-increasing numbers of people remain in hospital despite being clinically fit for discharge. Andrew Thomson, Deputy Chief...

Disability Commissioner Consultation

Disability Commissioner Consultation

Carr Gomm responded to the Proposed Disability Commissioner (Scotland) Bill in May 2024.   Carr Gomm supports the general principle of establishing a Disability Commissioner...

Becs Barker leads SDSS conference

Becs Barker leads SDSS conference

Becs reflects on the SDSS National Voice conference and why it’s important to her and to Carr Gomm that we influence and be part of change in social care.   Community...

Ending the health and social care relay race

Ending the health and social care relay race

If you’ve not watched our feature on Darren McGarvey’s: The State We’re In, you can still catch it on BBC iPlayer. If you have watched it, you will have noticed how many...