Our National Involvement Group welcomed back Rachel McGruer, Deputy Director of Adult Social Care, Local Improvement and Transformation, to Carr Gomm to continue discussing how they can influence the National Care Service.
Members of our Involvement Group, Linda, Charlotte, Mike and Operations Manager Becs Barker, along with Carr Gomm staff members, met with Rachel McGruer to highlight the importance of a functioning social care system for everyone in Scotland.
Involvement Group members Linda and Charlotte took the initiative to put together a video explaining the benefits and disadvantages of their current support. The video provided an insightful overview of the importance of excellent social care.
“They (Scottish Government) need to listen to us because we are in a position of needing care, and they are not. You won’t understand unless you did get support.” Linda, Involvement Group Member
The video called on the Scottish Government to improve social care by:
- Ensuring people receive support where and when they need it
- Ensuring support is equal across Scotland
- Improving pay and conditions to increase staff retention levels
The Group emphasised the need for the National Care Service to be created based on feedback and information from people currently receiving support, as any changes will directly impact them. They shared their own experiences of social care and stressed the importance of personalised care that fits each individual’s lifestyle.
They had questions for Rachel McGruer to gain a better understanding of what the National Care Service would be like:
- How is the Scottish Government listening and including people, particularly recognising that the only people who really know what it is like to have care and support in your lives are the ones receiving it?
- How is the Scottish Government listening to a wide variety of people and voices?
- Is the NCS going to be in a position to offer people more support time and ensure staff aren’t working long hours? Or is that an ambition beyond what the National Care Service can do?
- What are the plans for people to share their thoughts on the creation and running of the National Care Service, particularly for people who may need support to get involved?
- Are you meeting with other groups and organisations?
- How have you linked in with registered support providers?
Rachel McGruer emphasised the importance of meaningful involvement of people who receive support and expressed interest in hearing insights from those wishing to be involved. She encouraged interested individuals to apply to join the NCS Lived Experience Expert Panel (LEEP).
She was interested in the opinions and thoughts of people within the Involvement Group and asked who they are involved in influencing policy and support within Carr Gomm.
Rachel McGruer found the meeting very helpful and gained valuable insights that would be used to influence the National Care Service.
We thank Rachel McGruer for taking the time to meet with our National Involvement Group and look forward to contributing to the further development of the National Care Service.
About Carr Gomm’s National Involvement Group
Carr Gomm’s National Involvement Group is a network of people supported by Carr Gomm who contribute to the organisation’s strategic direction and influence change affecting the social care sector. They are part of Carr Gomm’s commitment to amplify the voices of people we support so they can influence good change in Carr Gomm and social care across Scotland. They have contributed to Carr Gomm’s Strategic Plan, the Independent Review of Adult Social Care and, lately, discussions and consultations on the National Care Service.
To find out more about how Carr Gomm is getting involved in the National Care Service, go to our ‘Influencing Change’ page.