Social Care Wage Uplift – Letter to the First Minister

Lucy Wren, our Chief Executive, has written to the First Minister calling for the Scottish Government’s Fair Work agenda to be realised in social care.

As our letter explains, the Scottish Government’s continued funding of social care wage policy at the minimum level does nothing to address the well documented challenges the sector faces. Carr Gomm is calling on the Scottish Government to make Fair Work a reality by closing the unjust pay gap between workers employed by commissioned providers like Carr Gomm, and equivalent workers employed by the public sector.

“The Scottish Government’s Fair Work agenda fits clearly with your governing principles of equality, opportunity and community. The 2024-25 Scottish Budget provides the opportunity to transform Fair Work rhetoric into Fair Work reality; to start to close the unjust pay gap; and to implement Derek Feeley’s recommendation to appropriately recognise the value to society of social care workers.”

Read the full letter (PDF: 98KB)

Read the letter signed by 100+ organisations, calling for the First Minister to value social care in the Scottish Budget (November 2023).

Joint letter to the FM (PDF: 168KB)

Read the First Minister’s response to that letter (December 2023).

First Minister’s Response (PDF: 99KB)



Image of Lucy Wren is the copyright of Duncan McGlynn.