Club Fun

Forth Valley Community Project


Club Fun is a project led by a group of people we support in Forth Valley. It tackles loneliness and isolation by offering opportunities for people to come together, build friendships and experience new things. The local staff team have been using fundraised money to fund Club Fun and provide the tools and support for people to organise social activities.

Since 2018, Club Fun has received over £3,000 from Futures using fundraised money to put on events, outings and gatherings for people in Forth Valley.

Past events have included Christmas get-togethers, Halloween fancy dress parties (the costumes were fantastic!) and a highly praised day trip to Burntisland for people we support.

The journey – on buses that support staff had decorated with bunting and balloons – was filled with singing and laughing by all. Whilst there, some people enjoyed the beach whilst others headed into town to check out the local sights. Angela, service manager in Stirling, said: “there were smiles and happiness all-round!

club fun

Club Fun has even held its own fundraising events as a way to give back, with people clocking up miles on an exercise bike to raise some vital pennies:

We felt that it would be nice for us to give something back, as Club Fun has benefitted so much from Carr Gomm fundraising campaigns. As a group, the club have discussed the effects of feeling lonely and isolated at times in our lives – a lot of the people who come along to Club Fun have experienced this and wanted to do what they can to support others through it.” Angela, Club Fun organiser.


Club Fun continues to organise events throughout the year in Forth Valley, which are eagerly anticipated by all those attending.

Being a part of Club Fun has meant a lot and has been hugely important to both staff and people attending. It has brought so many people together, people who may otherwise have never met, and helped friendships to be formed.

The money from Futures Funding has enabled Club Fun to bring people together through fun and exciting events, which will hopefully continue for years to come.