Leave a legacy

Leaving a gift to Carr Gomm is a life changing legacy.


By leaving a gift to charity in your will, you can have a positive impact on people who are lonely and isolated.

Your donation means we can be there for people when they need support, making sure they don’t face life or problems alone. You could help us change lives by funding projects that reduce loneliness and isolation for some of Scotland’s most vulnerable people. We work in communities across the country to provide welcoming and safe spaces that empower people to build skills, confidence, and friendships.

Some of our most successful projects include:

A gift in your will of any size will have a positive impact on people experiencing loneliness and isolation. All fundraised income goes towards continuing our innovative work and bringing people together.


Just so you know, this page doesn’t constitute legal advice. Always consult a solicitor if you have legal questions.

Why should I write a will?

If you die without a will (this is called dying intestate), you have no say over what happens to your money or property after your death.

Most people would rather make that decision themselves. Writing a will gives you peace of mind that your wishes will be known and respected after your death.

How do I write a will that includes Carr Gomm?

You don’t need a solicitor for your will to be valid. However, using a solicitor will ensure that your intentions are clear and legal, and reduces the chance of problems after your death.

When leaving a gift in your will to Carr Gomm, make sure to include:

  • Our full name: Carr Gomm
  • Our registered charity number: SC 033491
  • Our registered head office: SPACE, 11 Harewood Road, Edinburgh, EH16 4NT

If you already have a will, you’ll need to ask your solicitor to add a codicil to include Carr Gomm.

What could I leave to Carr Gomm?

Many people think they have to be well-off in order to leave a legacy to charity. That’s not the case. Once you have provided for your loved ones, a gift of any size will help us continue to be there for people across Scotland.

There are many ways you could include Carr Gomm in your will.

  • Apecuniary legacy means stating a specific sum of money you’d like to leave to Carr Gomm.
  • A residuarylegacy is a percentage. Once you have left bequests to your family and friends, and any debts, taxes, or expenses have been paid from your estate, you could leave a percentage of the remainder to Carr Gomm.

There are other ways to remember Carr Gomm in your will, but they’re more complicated – we’d suggest talking to your solicitor about the full range of options.

Do I need to let Carr Gomm know?

There is no obligation to tell us if you have included us in your will.

However, if you do want to share this information, we’d love to hear from you and to have the opportunity to thank you.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions about leaving a legacy to Carr Gomm, please email us: fundraising@carrgomm.org.